Get to Know Home With Grace and Joy!
Have you ever thought about the meaning of your name? I have looked at mine, but I have never been too concerned about it. Unless it is a family name, we usually tend to choose names for our children that we like.
In Biblical days, a name had true meaning! That is the case for this site. Take a look with me, and Get to know Home With Grace and Joy.
Biblical Names
In Genesis chapter 26 alone, Isaac named three wells according to what was happening at the time – Quarrel, Hostility, and Open Spaces. They also named their children according to what was going on at the time.
Jacob literally means, “He grasps the heel,” and that is exactly what he was doing to his twin brother Easu when they were born.
Before Rachel died in childbirth with Benjamin, she named him Ben-oni which means, “Son of My Sorrow.” Luckily, his father changed it to Benjamin, “Son of My Right Hand.”
There are many other examples in the Bible, and I challenge you to look them up and share them in the comments.
Get to Know Home With Grace and Joy
There are two women who I love dearly who are very appropriately named – Grace and Joy! My grandmother Grace, was truly a definition of grace! She showed me how to love, give, forgive, and care for my family. I still miss her, but oh the memories and impact she made!
I am also very blessed to have my mom, Joy, who is a picture of happiness and kindness. Because this is the core of who she is, she brings joy to the people around her. I have never met anyone who knew her that thought otherwise.
So again, I come back to the same question, “What’s in a name?” I guess it is really about the character of a person. Sometimes the names just happen to match up with character.
Join Me
I would love for you to join me each week as we take a look at the legacy of faith, family, and food, that came from Grace and Joy.
Please join me as I share how Grace and Joy have impacted my life and as I try to carry on the legacy they started. I hope you truly get to know Home With Grace and Joy.
Other Posts About Grace and Joy
Don’t Let Age Stop You – A Post Written about Grace
My Mother-In-Law – A Post Written about Joy
Interesting Resource for Names has a lot of information on just about anything you can imagine about your name or any other name. I challenge you to look your name up on the site. There is a wealth of information!
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“But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” Acts 20:24