
Seize the Day – by Jay Sikes

Saturday Morning Devotional

Seize the Day

seizing the day with the family

We live in a time when everyone is always busy.  Some people can set things aside to do something else like relax, spend time with family or friends, etc…  On the other hand, others have a hard time putting things aside for a bit.  I lean more in this direction.  If it’s a Saturday, I feel like I am wasting my day if I am not doing something.  This, along with not finishing something stresses me out.  Throw in, “the neighbors are mowing their yard, I need to mow,” and the stress increases.  I’m not saying I don’t enjoy doing these things, I do.  I simply have issues with not getting things done.  Susan tells me, “So what, don’t worry about it,” or in other words, Seize the day!

 Recently the wind seemed to blow day after day.  One of the things on my list was to spray a large portion of our yard for weeds.  The wind would have caused my efforts to be far from feasible.  Finally, the perfect Saturday came, hot and no wind.  However, we had an event that morning that we needed to attend.  The event took less time than we had thought.  When we returned home, the neighbor had mowed, so our yard needed to be mowed too.  So I hopped on the mower hoping to finish before our granddaughters came over to swim.  I finished pretty close to the time they arrived.  Great, now we had time with the granddaughters!

 In August of 2017, our lives took a different path that we never expected.  In January of 2019, our lives were changed forever.  How quickly life can change, how quickly time became more valuable to us than ever before.

What the Bible Says:

Jas 4:14 “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

*Life is but a mist.

Ps 78:39 “He remembered that they were but flesh, a passing breeze that does not return.”

*We don’t get yesterday back.

Ps 139:16 “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

*Our days were numbered before we were created, but we have no idea of the number.

Lessons Learned

Remember, it was the perfect day to spray and the girls were over to swim.  I battled with what to do, spray or spend quality time with the girls.  It was a tough battle, as my nature is to get the work done.  Susan threw in her two cents, which was spend time with the girls, of course, because that’s her nature.  I decided I would spray first.  But then, I put on my swimsuit.  Susan said, “I thought you were going to spray.”  I replied, “I’m not going to miss this opportunity with the girls.”  She was glad I chose wisely.  It was a perfect day, and I shared with Susan several times how glad I was that I made the right choice. 

 Another day to spray came, and I got the yard sprayed because the yard was still there!  We know some things will be there tomorrow, but other more important opportunities may not.  Seize the day, for we don’t know what tomorrow holds!

Have a Grace & Joy-filled Day!
Jay (for Susan)

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“When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.” Psalms 94:19


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  1. Thanks for the mention! I have a hard time with just relaxing with people when I am in “get things done” mode. Of course, the “things” will always be there–but that’s the problem–they’re still there and have to be done. 😀 But—investing time in people is almost always the best way to go. Time goes so fast and little ones grow up so quickly.

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