Saturday Morning Devotional
We are huge dog people, especially rescued dogs! How huge you ask? Well, several years ago, we had six dogs at one time, mostly all rescued! That won’t happen again. My daughter claims our small dog, Wile E., is my favorite child! He isn’t, but I can’t convince her. Jay has requested that when he dies, we bury him in a dog costume so that I will, “at least shed a couple of tears.” I can’t convince him either! However, with the exception of our son-in-law, we are all crazy about dogs, but I think we may be rubbing off on him!
Rescued Dogs
We are especially fond of rescue dogs. There are several things that come with a rescue dog though. Normally, the age is estimated and the breed is a hopeful guess. As sad as it is, some of them have been abused and come with certain fears. On a positive note, they could already be potty-trained, or maybe not. The one commonality we have found with our rescues over the years is that they are super appreciative, very affectionate, and loyal. How can someone not love rescue dogs?
We have been blessed with dogs that live a long time, so when we have lost one, our other dog has become lonely and depressed. They have always let us know when it was time to bring a new rescue baby home. A couple years ago, after losing our precious Gracie (yes, she was named after my Granny Grace), Wile E. let us know it was time for a new baby.
Rescue Bound
Jay had always wanted a Red Heeler and said he got to pick the next dog. So, we began the hunt for a Red Heeler on Pet-Finder. He filled out several applications, but the dogs would be adopted before we could get to them. We came to the conclusion that it would be easier to adopt a child than a dog! There were interviews with both our vet and our references, a virtual tour of our home – inside and out, and the family tree of our past dogs. We were about to give up when we were approved by Texas Cattle Dog Rescue.
The very next day, a Red Heeler (estimated to be 8 months old) was on their website. She had been picked up off the street in the Valley where strays run rampant and are many times abused. She was sent to Texas Cattle Dog Rescue where she was nourished, treated, spayed, and microchipped. When they determined she was ready, they listed her and we snatched her up, and she became our family member! And yes, she was potty-trained!
Separation Anxiety
She did great for a couple of days. Then she started having separation anxiety when we would leave. First thing was the unwrapping of half the Christmas gifts. We discovered this as our kids and grandkids were arriving for Christmas. We had to rewrap several packages and replace two gifts! It didn’t stop there either!
We have experienced torn up carpet, five remote controls demolished, three king size bamboo pillows shredded, the bottom of our couch cushion is duct taped, and our kitchen cushy floor mats are sculpted by the artist we named Ally. Although we never have had to do it before, we purchased a crate, which looks like a piece of furniture. She goes in the crate when we are not there. Thankfully, she has grown to love it.
If we were ever going to get rid of a dog, she would have been the one. She has stopped all of those shenanigans and brings us great joy! By the way, we did a DNA test on her and the results were, 61% Akita, 16% Red Heeler, 11% Pit Bull and the remaining 12% is a combination of six other breeds!
Our Rescued Story
I tell you all this because, we are much like Ally.
- We have Someone Who has, or wants to, rescue us.
- We are all strays until we are adopted.
- We have an available home – Heaven.
- We can mess things up pretty badly.
- We will never be sent back.
I am so glad we have the opportunity to be rescued by the Creator of the Universe! He loves us more than we could ever know.
By the way, God spelled backwards is dog! He made them pretty special!
Our Favorite Items for Our Rescued Dogs
These DNA tests give you so much information. They even give you a pretty accurate physical description of your baby!
This crate has been a lifesaver. This is her “Safe-Space” now!
We just got this one for the times that Wile E. jumps off of the bed at night. He has gotten too old to get back up by himself.
I will end this with one of my favorite scriptures
“The righteous care for the needs of their animals…”
Prov. 12:10
Related Post
How to Take Care of an Aging Dog
Have a Grace & Joy-filled Day!
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“When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.” Psalms 94:19
What a lovely story. I am so happy to hear Ally is doing well now. And your comparison is spot on.
Thank you for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.
Thank you so much!