In the War Room
Saturday Morning Devotional

In the War Room – The Movie
How many of you have seen the movie War Room? I absolutely love that movie! In fact, when I saw the movie, it inspired me to have my own “War Room.”
If you are not familiar with the movie, it is the story of the impact a lady’s prayer life had on her family and the people in her influence. She knew how the military had special “war rooms” for strategic planning that were meant to prepare them for battle with the enemy. Based on these war rooms, she created a strategic planning place of her own to meet with the Lord so she would be prepared to fight the spiritual enemy. Her prayer room was her war room.

Personal War Rooms
Hopefully you have a space where you can get alone with the Lord daily, not only to worship Him but also to prepare for spiritual battle. Of course we should be in a spirit of prayer constantly, but in this case I am referring to a specific designated time of prayer. It doesn’t have to be a special room or a closet, only a quiet place to meet with Him.
Because our prayer time with the Lord is so personal, we may each have different thoughts and ideas about how and when we have our prayer time. If you are having difficulties getting started, here are a few ideas:
- Find the best time of day that works for you. Morning time is best for me, before my mind gets so jumbled with the thoughts of the day.
- Find a quiet place or room away from distractions.
- When the weather is nice, it can be great to be outdoors in nature.
- On occasion, Christian music can help you get into a praising mindset. Be sure it does not become a distraction though.
- Have supplies readily available:
- Bible
- Study Guides/Resources
- Journal
- Pen
- Prayer List
- Possible note cards or Post-it notes
- Devotional book, if desired
Again, there is no formula for our time with the Lord. Let Him speak to you through the Word, music, or His still small voice. Just listen and be willing to be obedient.
As this post goes out today, we are preparing to attend a “Ladies Night Out” tonight at our church. The men of the church are planning a special meal and then having a special showing of War Room! I am really looking forward to the encouragement and inspiration this movie brings. If you haven’t seen it, I highly encourage you to get it.

War Room Resources

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:3-5
“This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chronicles 20:15
Quotes of the Week


My War Room (Prayer Room)
Here are a few pictures of my War Room/Prayer Room. I also call it my She Shed or Coffee Shop. It has been an enjoyable work in progress. I had a certain look in mind for the decor, but it turned out completely different than what I had planned. It has a Parisian Coffee Shop look, and I love it! I was also able to add the most amazing pieces of family history to it.
When I got this portable building, it was completely bare. My husband has helped me do everything to it. The most amazing thing is the ceiling. Jay’s family had some land with a barn on it for years. In fact, it was in his dad’s family and then went to his mother’s family. It is now owned by someone else, but all the memories of sliding down the barn roof are still in his mind.
We were able to contact the current owners before they tore it all down. They let us get anything we wanted. We got the metal siding and one of the barn doors, and we covered the ceiling with them. It is one of my favorite parts of the building.

One of the last things I have left to do is the flooring. I would love to get your insights on it. I have thought about laminate flooring or just painting and sealing the floor as it is. Please let me know if you have other thoughts.
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Related Post
Getting the Perfect Backyard She Shed
I hope you enjoyed today’s devotional. Let’s all commit to meet with the Lord in daily prayer to be prepared for battle.
Until next week,

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“When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.” Psalms 94:19
Thanks Susan. Your devotional are so sincere.
Thank you! ❤️
I’ve never heard of that movie before, Susan, but I am excited to look it up! I love your French coffee shop inspired war room. It looks like such a peaceful and relaxing place and the perfect space to have prayer and quiet time each morning. Big hugs, CoCo
You will love the movie!!! It has such a great message.
Susan, I love that you’ve created yourself a lovely room to pursue the Lord, His peace, His purposes, His plan.
Thank you so much! I truly enjoy it!
Susan I love your prayer/war room. I looks so beautiful and cozy. I have to tell you I soo love the barn door on the ceiling! This was such a treasure for me to have read today.
Thank you bunches for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month my friend .
Thank you so much! I can’t remember if I shared this or not, but the barn door, as well as the metal for the ceiling came from my husband’s family’s barn. It’s very sentimental. I’m so glad you liked it!
I love this post Susan, I’ve never heard of that movie but I’m interested in seeing it!
Your War Room looks very Parisian Farmhouse chic.
My study/guest room is my room to write & craft.
You have given me inspiration to turn it into my Prayer Warrior sanctuary now! 😊
You’re most welcome to join me in a cuppa at Tea With Jennifer,
Bless you be friend, Jennifer
Thank you so much for your kind words! If you get the chance, please watch the movie. It is wonderful!
I would love to see your study/prayer room!
I will definitely join you! I look forward to seeing your site! Have a wonderful new year!!