
Weekly Life Applications

Weekly Life Applications

I finally finished Caddie’s Bible! I am a little on the fence about which one to use for Evelyn. I have one that we got for Jacob that he never used. (I can’t part with the one he used for so many years just yet.) The new on is also a men’s Bible. If anyone has thoughts, please share them in the comments. Until I decide, I will keep looking for weekly life applications in Caddie’s Bible.

Life Applications from Job:

  • Job 26:7-14 In all the beauty and miraculous things we can physically see, these are just a small portion of His greatness. It is like only seeing the bottom threads of a full garment.
  • Job 37:24 We must be careful not to think we always know it all. We also need to be careful not to judge people for doing the same things we do!
  • Job 42:5-6 When we examine ourselves, we do not need to compare ourselves to others but to the Lord. He is the true Measuring Stick for us to strive to be like.


If you have just joined me recently, these are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.


To see more on choosing the right Bible translation, see the post here by Faithfully Planted.

I hope you enjoyed these weekly life applications. Please share any thoughts or insights the Lord has put on your heart this week.

Have a Grace & Joy-filled day!


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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

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  1. One of my favorite posts of the week, Susan! I make notes right along you and it gives me a fresh perspective each time I revisit these scriptures. Hope you have the best week and thanks for all the ways you support and encourage us, CoCo

    1. I’m so glad to hear this! I wasn’t sure if anyone really read these or not. Thank you always for your encouragement!

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