
If We Could Only See It From God’s Perspective

Saturday Morning Devotional

Romans 8:28 God Works all things together

If We Could Only See It From God’s Perspective

Have you ever gone through something that you just didn’t quite understand? In life we experience good times, hard times, and everything in between. In many of those situations, we struggle to understand why. Oh, if we could only see it from God’s perspective, it would all make perfect sense!


Sometimes we think we know what is best for our lives, even when the Lord has other plans. We can kind of be like James and John in the Gospel of Mark. They asked Jesus if they could sit on His right and left in His Kingdom. I love Jesus’ reply:


“You don’t know what you are asking…”
Mark 10:38


How many times have we prayed and prayed about something, only to have Him answer, “You don’t know what you are asking.” Aren’t we glad that He knows what is best for us, even if we can’t see it. We have to trust God’s perspective.


This reminds me of an illustration I heard several years ago that really stuck with me. A mother was embroidering while her young son sat at her feet watching. He could only see the underneath side of the material which was full of loose strings that were tangled and tied in knots.


back side of embroidery perspective

The little boy didn’t understand exactly what she was making, because it looked like such a mess. However, when she was finished and flipped it over for him to see, it all made sense. There was a beautiful embroidered picture on the other side. There was a plan that she was following, making it all come together.


Isn’t this just like us? We can only see from our limited perspective. What seems to be a tangled mess is being formed into a beautiful piece of art. All of the good times, bad times, and even the painful times are being woven together to make a masterpiece. We have to trust the Lord Who has the pattern for our lives. If only we could see it from God’s perspective!


Perspective Quotes


God's perspective quote


God's perspective quote



You know I love songs and their messages, but I haven’t posted one in a while. Sometimes a song just jumps out at me when I am writing, which is what happened this week. How appropriate is this one? Listen for the lyric,

“And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight.”

That lyric is the embroidery example dead out! Right now we have to live by faith, but when we are with Him in Heaven, we will see it!


Click here to hear a beautiful version of “It Is Well” by Caleb & Kelsey.


I found a site that has the whole illustration of the son watching his mother embroidering. I encourage you to read the story; it is very short. Click here to read it. How appropriate is it that the title of the post is, “God’s Plan is Only Messy From Our Perspective.” Again, let’s trust His perspective, because only He can see the big picture!


Have a Grace & Joy-filled day!



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“When I am filled with cares, Your comfort brings me joy.” Psalms 94:19

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  1. As hard as it is to hear “No, Not Now, or Not Yet,” what an awesome blessing His ways and vision for our lives is infinitely better than we could ever imagine. Loved this post – I’ll definitely think about how messy my embroidery projects can be every time I’m faced with something that doesn’t go as planned. It’s such a great visual! We’re nearing the anniversary of my grandparents homegoing so your song of the week is perfectly timed. Hugs, CoCo

  2. Yes, what a beautifu example of the Lord’s love and care for us. Amen! Your post reminded me of a poem that I found on a tract many years ago. I will share it with you here…


    My life is but a weaving
    Between the Lord and me;
    I may not choose the colors–
    He knows what they should be.
    For He can view the pattern
    Upon the upper side
    While I can see it only
    On this, the under side.
    Sometimes He weaves in sorrow,
    Which seems so strange to me;
    But I will trust His judgment
    And work on faithfully.
    ‘Tis He who fills the shuttle,
    And He knows what is best;
    So I shall weave in earnest,
    And leave to Him the rest.
    Not ’til the loom is silent
    And the shuttles cease to fly
    Shall God unroll the canvas
    And explain the reason why.
    The dark threads are as needed
    In the Weaver’s skillful hand
    As the threads of gold and silver
    In the pattern He has planned.
    ~ Benjamin Malachi Franklin

    I’m glad I found you on Grammy’s Grid! Have a beautiful day!


  3. What a lovely devotional, and I love that story. It really makes one think and ponder perspective, doesn’t it? This is so true; sometimes we need to stop; I know easier said than done but pausing to reflect on what God’s perspective is.
    Thanks bunches for sharing this with Sweet Twa & Friends March Link-Up.

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