
Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 31

Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 31

I am loving rereading Genesis! It is so amazing to read stories again and again, yet the Lord makes them new every time. Eventually, I would love to pull out my notes from the other times I have read Genesis and make a comparison. He seems to give us the life applications we need at the exact time we need them!

Life Applications in Genesis

  • Gen. 13:11-13
    • Lot chose the best land for monetary gain. Money isn’t everything. We will see later in Genesis that his choices caused him lots of problems.
    • It is important to watch who we associate with and the places we go. When you hang around sin, you may receive some of the consequences as well.
    • We can become desensitized to sin when we are around it all the time. After a while, we don’t even notice it.

  • Gen. 14:12 – We tend to think of Abram/Abraham as a meek Nomad or shepherd. He was a mighty warrior! When the Lord calls us to action, we all have a warrior spirit within us.

  • Genesis 15:11 – Things of this world will try to take your sacrifices to the Lord – your time, talent, attention, money, affection, etc. Be diligent in driving the “birds of prey” away. Protect your sacrifices to the Lord at all costs!

  • Genesis 19:4-5 – When perversion becomes accepted in society, no one is even ashamed of their actions or tries to hide them.

Life Application Resources


In case you missed this resource last week, I wanted to share it one more time. If you struggle with reading the Word and applying it to your life, I highly recommend reading the post, “Applying God’s Word.” It is based on the following scripture:


“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
James 1:22


If you have joined me recently, these weekly life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.


I pray these weekly life applications help you in some way. Until next week, stay in the Word and listen to what He is sharing with you.


Have a Grace & Joy-filled day!


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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

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  1. Amy Johnson says:

    I enjoy reading the OT more than the NT and Genesis is one of my favs.

    1. There are some great life applications in the OT! I love it too!

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