Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 34

Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 34
I am still reading the book of Genesis, and I am at a part that I love – Joseph’s story! Talk about life applications! Joseph ‘s story demonstrates many life lessons.
Here are some of the life applications I found this week in Genesis – These are life lessons from Jacob, Judah, and Joseph:
Life Applications in Genesis
- Gen. 32:24 – Jacob had to go through the struggle to gain the maturity and spiritual growth he needed to fulfill his purpose and receive his blessing. He would still grow more later, but he had already come pretty far. There is always room for growth.
- Gen. 38:24 – He (Judah) condemned her (Tamar):
- Without knowing the facts.
- On the word of others.
- Without hearing her story.
- With a double standard – He judged her for being a prostitute, but he thought it was okay for him to be with a prostitute.
- Not only did he have double standards, but he lied to her about giving her his son. He left her waiting in widow’s clothes for years.
- We need to be extremely careful about judging people. It is not our place.
- Matthew 7:1-5
- Luke 37-42
- Genesis 39:2-23 – Joseph’s life in prison –
- Outsiders can see the Lord working in our lives.
- Favor with God brings favor with people.
- Make sure you include the Lord in all of you plans. He can make you successful in all areas!
- Genesis 40:23 – I don’t know how many times I have thought the cupbearer was so ungrateful! It hit me this time when I read it, that I have acted just like the cupbearer many times. How often have I had a need, prayed to the Lord about it, received the answer, and then gone on about my business without giving Him thanks? Cupbearer Syndrome!
Life Application Resources
If you have joined me recently, these weekly life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.
I pray these weekly life applications help you in some way. Please share your favorite people from the Bible and any life lessons you have learned from them.
Have a Grace & Joy-filled day!
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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105
These Friday posts are so awesome, Susan! I never thought about the cupbearer in that way either. But I can definitely see how that was very judgemental of me to think that way as well. We’ve been talking about double standards which have led to hard feelings in our family a lot so this post is perfectly timed. Gah – growing in His ways is tough sometimes. Hugs and thank you for sharing these and all the hardwork that goes into putting them together, CoCo
I LOVE the way He teaches us things! I’ve been convicted of being judgmental lately. It just keeps coming up in these lessons. 😊