
Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 36

Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 36

I was able to finish Genesis this week, which has so many great nuggets. I really enjoyed reading it again. Afterward, I decided to go to the New Testament and start on Matthew. This week I have a little bit to share in both the Old and the New Testaments.

Here are some of the life applications I found this week in Genesis and Matthew:

Life Applications

  • Gen. 46:34 – Instead of being offended that they would be thought of as detestable to the Egyptians, they used it to their advantage to gain the best and most fertile land. Instead of getting offended at insults, we need to let the Lord handle those people; it will work to our advantage.
  • Gen. 47:23-26
    • They were very grateful to Joseph, because he literally saved their lives.
    • Because of their great appreciation for all Joseph did, they joyfully became Pharaoh’s servants and gave him a 5th of everything.
    • When we fully grasp and appreciate all that the Lord has done for us (saved our lives eternally), we will joyfully serve Him and give to Him what is already His.
  • Matt. 1:3,5,6 – With the exception of Mary, Jesus’ mother, there are only three women listed in this lineage of Jesus.
    • Tamar – Pretended to be a prostitute and tricked her father-in-law into sleeping with her so she could have a child.
    • Rahab – Was a prostitute.
    • Bathsheba – Committed adultery with David.
  • The Lord can and does use people with a past. He will use it to bring about His good plan and purposes!

Life Application Resources


If you have joined me recently, these weekly life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.


I pray these weekly life applications help you in some way. Please share any of the life lessons you have learned this week from the Bible.


Have a Grace & Joy-filled day!


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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

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  1. LOVED all the extra little nuggets you gave us for Genesis, Susan! While I’m sad it’s over I’m looking forward to hearing what you have to say about Matthew and I adore the ladies you’ve highlighted. So many times we think we’re “too stained” to be used and yet He proves wrong again and again. Hugs for a happy weekend and thanks os much for putting these together. They lift me up! Hugs, CoCo

    1. I’m so glad He proves us wrong!!! Thank you for your constant encouragement. It means a lot! I look forward to seeing what He has for us in Matthew also. Have a beautiful day!😊

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