
Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 37

Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 37

Since I finished Cadlyn’s Bible project (see below) and have started on Evelyn’s, I realized that I just recently read and shared the book of Matthew. In fact, it was just last December. I am not looking back to see what life applications I found last December, so it should be interesting afterward to do a comparison and see what all the Lord shares as I read it again.

Here are some of the life applications I found this week in Matthew:

Life Applications

  • Matt. 4:3
    • Satan targeted Jesus with:
      • Physical Hunger
      • Pride – “Prove it!”
    • Jesus defeated him and the temptation by quoting scripture.
  • Matt. 4:6
    • Now Satan used scripture to try and justify the temptation to “Prove it.” He will let you read a scripture and take it out of context to fit your desires, even though you know it is wrong. I have seen people do this many times, and it is always so obvious to me. I am sure I have also done this many times, but when it is me, it isn’t so obvious. Always seek Godly counsel in these situations.
    • He was also trying to get Him to prove that His Father would do what He said He would do – testing the Lord. Jesus used scripture correctly to combat Satan and the temptation.
  • Matt. 4:9
    • He wanted Jesus to claim what was already His.
    • Jesus didn’t get into a conversation with the tempter; He just rebuked him and made him flee.
  • Matt. 4:10 – Use the example Jesus set before us, and say this very scripture aloud when you are tempted.

Extra Life Application with Testimony

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Matt. 5:7

I just read and reflected on this verse yesterday. As I am writing this now, I can honestly say that I failed miserably at this today. So many times I got frustrated and then thought and said things that were not very kind (about a person who was not even present)! I repented only to do it again, and probably a 3rd and 4th time as well. It was very humbling to see how UNmerciful I was!

  • Do unto others as you would have the Lord do unto you!
  • Be very aware of your thoughts and emotions when frustration sets in.
  • Step away from the situation and start praying.
  • Quote scripture to fight off the temptation to say or think unhelpful things about someone or a situation.

Life Application Resources


If you have joined me recently, these weekly life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.


I pray these weekly life applications help you in some way. Please share any of the life lessons you have learned this week from the Bible. The lessons we learn can hopefully help others avoid the same traps.

Have a Grace & Joy-filled day!


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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

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  1. Speak to my heart, Susan, it’s been a week! Thank you so much for always speaking truth in love to us. Sometimes these posts are so convicting but they’re always what I need to hear each and every week. Sending you lots of hugs and thank yous for gently nudging us to be better people. I LOVE these posts! Hugs, CoCo

  2. What great life applications! It is humbling to see just how often we fail and how merciful God is with us when we do! As I reflected on your thoughts, it reminded me of how critical I was yesterday about a certain situation.

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