
Life Applications and Lessons from the Book of Leviticus

Saturday Morning Life Applications (Vol. 103)

Are you ready to tackle the Book of Leviticus? Believe it or not, there are many life applications and lessons from the book of Leviticus for us today.

Open Bible displaying the book of Leviticus. The left page features elegant calligraphy reading, "I have set you apart from the nations to be mine," inviting life applications. The book rests on a wooden table adorned with a decorative cloth and green leaves nearby.

If you are ready, let’s go! We will go through this book of the Old Testament together and see what the Lord has for us.

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An Overview of the Book of Leviticus

The book of Leviticus is an Old Testament book that was written not just as a book of laws, but as a way of showing the Israelites how to live a life of holiness. Obviously we all sin, so Leviticus contains very clear details regarding the sacrificial system that would allow the Israelites to be back in fellowship with the Lord. As we go through the book of Leviticus, look for phrases like:

  • The Day of Atonement
  • The Burnt Offering
  • Grain Offerings
  • Fellowship Offering
  • Sin Offering
  • Guilt Offering

Leviticus also includes laws regarding clean and unclean animals, skin diseases, contamination, and laws of holiness. Here again, these are not just about having rules to follow. These also served as a protection for the Israelites. The Lord always knows what is best for us!

As we read through this book of the Bible, allow it to point you Jesus. The foreshadowing is there if you look. As we read it, we can see and appreciate the sacrifice Jesus made for us. He is our sin offering and our sacrifice. Praise the Lord!

A beige square features a quote: "By this Will, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time." Hebrews 10:10. Decorative branches accent the bottom, inviting reflection on life's applications. Visit www.homewithgraceandjoy.com.


Life Applications and Lessons 

What an honor and responsibility!

  • The Lord summoned Moses so He could speak to him and spend time with him.
  • He calls us to spend time with Him each and every day as well.
  • The Lord met with him as His spokesperson. He called Moses to relay His messages to the Israelites.
  • We are also called to relay the Lord’s message to the world.
  • When you think about it, we have the same honor and responsibility Moses had.
Text on a beige floral background reads: "Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage with great patience and teaching." 2 Timothy 4:2. Discover life applications at www.homewithgraceandjoy.com.

Leviticus 1:3-17 gives great details about the burnt offering. This offering was to come from the herd or flock, and there were regulations about the offering. What I find so full of grace about this is that the Lord made an exception (throughout Leviticus) for the people who could not afford an animal. In those cases, He allowed a burnt offering of birds. Even then He showed such grace and mercy!

​Look at the similarities of the sacrifices the sons of Aaron made for the Israelites and the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for all of us.

  • Verse 3, 10 – The sacrifice had to be an unblemished male.
  • Verse 4 – The sacrifice would make atonement (take care of sin).

Do you see it? Christ was sinless (an unblemished male), and His sacrifice takes away our sin.

Verses 9, 13, 17 – “…a pleasing aroma to the Lord.”

  • What kind of offering are we giving to the Lord?
  • Is it a pleasing aroma to Him?

Text from 1 Peter 1:18-19 on a beige background with leaf accents delves into life applications of faith, highlighting redemption through the blood of Christ and contrasting it with perishable things like silver or gold.

The grain offerings were to be given to the priests (the sons of Aaron at the time), and Aaron himself. The people were actually offering up a food offering to the priests.

  • Verse 2 – It was a memorial portion to the Lord.
  • Verse 4 – They were to use fine flour and unleavened ingredients.
  • Verse 11 – Nothing offered was to have yeast in it.
  • Verse 13 – The offering was to be seasoned with salt. In fact, it says to never omit the salt.

We know that Jesus is our High Priest now. So we need to think about it.

  • The Lord wanted their best offerings, not their leftovers or low quality ingredients.
  • Are we giving the Lord our best with our offerings:
    • Money
    • Time
    • Talent

This offering was another animal sacrifice. If you read this small chapter, you will see that there are other details. I am only adding the ones that stood out to me here.

  • Verses 1,6 – An unblemished animal from the herd or flock
  • Verse 16 – “The Fat belongs to the Lord.” The priests could keep part of the meat, but they would offer the fat to the Lord.
  • The Lord does not NEED our offerings. He owns it all anyway.
  • He wants our love and devotion. We show our love when we give back to Him.

A serene sky with soft clouds sets the backdrop for a quote from Psalm 50:10-11, reflecting on God's ownership of all animals and nature, offering profound life applications. The website "homewithgraceandjoy.com" is noted at the bottom.

Chapter 4 – The Sin Offering

The sin offering was obviously to take care of or atone for their sin. Throughout the details of this chapter, you will see “unblemished” describing the offering. That is very important!

I love that this chapter is broken into paragraphs covering how each type of person could have their sins forgiven.

  • Verse 2 – Someone who sins unintentionally
  • Verse 3 – The appointed priests
  • Verse 13 – The whole community (society)
  • Verse 22 – Leaders
  • Verse 27 – The common people

Aren’t you glad unintentional sins and common people are included in the list?

Here are a few life applications that stood out to me:

  • Our leaders’ sin can bring consequences on us.
  • Our sins can affect others.
  • We are blessed to have Christ in our lives. He was and is the:
    • Unblemished Sacrificial Lamb Who laid down His life for us.
    • High Priest Who makes atonement for us and intercedes for us with the Father, giving us forgiveness.
Set against a beige background with a white arch, the center displays the profound quote: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16. The heart behind symbolizes faith's life applications.

Life Applications and Lessons Resources

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If you have joined me recently, these daily life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

My Favorite Resources

These are just a few of my favorites. There are so many great resources!

What are your favorite quiet time resources?

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I hope these life applications and lessons encourage you. Please share any encouragement and lessons you have learned this week as you read the Word of God. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next week,

Closing Signature

disclosure: Amazon affiliate links are used on this page. Thank you for supporting Home with Grace and Joy. When you purchase an item, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. See my full disclosure and privacy policy on the website. 

“From one Man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.” Acts 17:26

(New Testament)

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  1. Jill | Bungalow 47 says:

    It’s always such a pleasure to share in the “good word” with you. Thanks for always sharing your heart. xo

  2. Anonymous says:

    At first glance Leviticus looks like it would have little relevance for us today. But as you so thoughtfully present here, there is much we can gain from its study. Well done, Susan! / As for Bible study resources, I like to use a looseleaf notebook with the clear sleeves on the cover. I slip coloring pages or Bible art journaling pages to decorate. Dividers help me organize Bible study, Bible memory verses, prayers, praise prompts, etc. I can add pages as necessary, or take them out and file if a section gets too full.

    1. I agree, I wasn’t very hopeful about Leviticus having a lot of life applications, but I was sure wrong! I love your Bible study system! I think we have a lot in common in that area.

  3. So excited to dive more into this book with you, Susan, you always give me some new things to think about each and every week. Big hugs, CoCo

    1. I hate to admit it, but I was a little surprised at all of the life applications in this book of the Bible. He always comes through and makes it interesting!

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