
Life Applications and Lessons from the Book of Leviticus: Part 2

Saturday Morning Life Applications (Vol. 104)

Who would have guessed that there would be so many life applications and lessons from the book of Leviticus for us? This Old Testament book of the Bible has a lot of relevance to us today.

An open Bible rests on a wooden table, revealing the book of Leviticus. Decorative text proclaims, "I have set you apart from the nations to be mine." A text overlay highlights "Life Applications & Lessons in Leviticus," with a website link positioned on the side.

Let’s read Leviticus together and look for lessons we can apply to our lives.

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Join us each week as we go through the Bible to see what life applications and lessons the Lord has for us. Download and enjoy “31 days of Joy” scriptures while you are at it.

An Overview of the Book of Leviticus

If you are just joining us and are not familiar with the book of Leviticus, I highly encourage you to refer back to last week’s post as a reference. Read Life Applications and Lessons from the Book of Leviticus – Part 1 to get a little background. Moving forward, Leviticus will make a little more sense.


Life Applications and Lessons 

  • Forgiveness of sin begins with confession.
  • The difference between confession then and now is:
    • Then – After they confessed their sin, they had to make sacrifices for the cleansing of their sins. This happened over and over again.
    • Now – We know that Jesus was the atoning sacrifice once and for all. We confess our sins, but He made the sacrifice.

Text quote in a stylized brush background: “But this Man, after offering one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God.” - Hebrews 10:12. Discover more divine insights and connections with Leviticus on our spiritual journey at www.homewithgraceandjoy.com.

  • We cannot get rid of our sins on our own.
  • Back then they had to rely on the priests to make atonement for them.
  • Now, we rely on Christ to make atonement for us.

The verse below is referring to Christ.

Text on a beige and white background reads: “Therefore, He had to be like His brothers and sisters in every way, so that He could become a merciful and faithful high priest in matters pertaining to God, akin to the guidance found in Leviticus, to make atonement for the sins of the people.” Hebrews 2:17.

The earlier chapters (1-4) in Leviticus shared who needed to give sacrifices and offerings. You can also find why they needed to participate in these rituals.

In the next chapters and verses, Moses tells them exactly how they are to participate and offer their sacrifices.

  • Leviticus 6:8-13 Burnt Offering
  • Leviticus 6:14-23 Grain Offering
  • Leviticus 6:24-30 Sin Offering
  • Leviticus 7:1-10 Guilt Offering
  • Leviticus 7:11-21 Fellowship Sacrifice
  • Leviticus 7:37 More instructions regarding all of them plus a few more

When you first read all of these instructions, it can be a little overwhelming. It is hard to see the application in it for us and even understand why they had to follow such specific laws about the offerings and sacrifices.

I want to point out that because of sin in the world, none of us can fully live out the law. That is why Jesus came and offered Himself up as the Sacrifice. Because of what He did for us, we strive to live a life pleasing to the Lord.

  • The detailed instructions were given to them because they were to be different from the other nations. These laws were to help them stay on track with the Lord and not fall into the trap of idol worship like the pagan nations around them. When you think about it, the law was a protection for them.
  • If you read Biblical history (I & II Samuel, I & II Kings, Judges, etc.), you will see that they started off well but failed to keep the laws and regulations that Moses gave them. Once they got off track a little, it was like a slippery slope – hard to come back to the way it was supposed to be.
  • I am beyond glad that Christ took care of these types of sacrifices and offerings for us. However, we are called to live a Christlike life, different than the world.
  • We have to be careful not to start accepting the things that the world accepts. It is so easy to get on that slippery slope and so hard to get off of it!

The scripture below was a declaration made by the Israelites. They had very good intentions of fully following the Lord, but the enemy is crafty with his temptations.

We need to always be on guard. We may not fall into the same type of idol worship they did, but we tend to have our own.

A quote from Joshua 22:29, echoing the teachings of Leviticus, is centered against a beige and light gray background. It cautions against rebelling through unauthorized altars. The website www.homewithgraceandjoy.com is displayed at the bottom.

For more in depth information on the sacrifices and offerings, read Sacrifice in the Bible: 5 Types of Offerings Israel Made.

Life Applications and Lessons Resources

Text in image reads: "This post may contain Amazon or other affiliate links for your convenience. This means that if you click on the link and purchase the item, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. I only recommend products that have practical life applications or that I would purchase for myself. See my full disclosure on the website." The text is centered on a white background with

If you have joined me recently, these daily life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

My Favorite Resources

These are just a few of my favorites. There are so many great resources!

I don’t know if you have ever seen one of the Bible maps books or not, but they are the coolest things. There is a map of the land from Biblical times with transparency overlays showing different times.

My book is an older version (1997). The current pages could have changed a little at this point. It is very interesting though! As you see, each one has an information page with it.

What are your favorite quiet time resources? Please scroll down to the bottom of the page and share in the comments.

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I hope these life applications and lessons encourage you. Please share any encouragement and lessons you have learned this week as you read the Word of God. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next week,

Closing Signature

disclosure: Amazon affiliate links are used on this page. Thank you for supporting Home with Grace and Joy. When you purchase an item, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. See my full disclosure and privacy policy on the website. 

“From one Man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.” Acts 17:26

(New Testament)

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  1. This post has given me so much to think about regarding sin and sacrifices and how boundaries/rules and slippery slopes are as applicable for us today as it was back then. Thanks for always giving us your best sweet friend, I love learning from you. Hugs, CoCo

    1. Thank you so much CoCo! I hope you are recovering well from the hurricanes.

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