
Success Lessons in Nehemiah: Part 5

Life Applications and Lessons

The book of Nehemiah has many success lessons. It shows us more than just how to be successful though. It also shows us how to handle that success. We can learn so much from the success lessons in Nehemiah.

An open book with a highlighted passage lies on a white surface, accompanied by white flowers and a beige knitted fabric. At the top, it reads, "Success Lessons in Nehemiah: Part 5." Delve into these success lessons to unlock your potential. Website URL is at the bottom.

These chapters show a celebration and turning back to the Lord because of their success. They knew He was the one Who led them and guided them to be successful. Now they were able to turn back to Him and praise Him.

Overview of the History of Nehemiah

If you are just joining us, you can see some of the history and other success lessons in Nehemiah in the links below:

1 – Success Lessons in Nehemiah: Part 1
2 – Success Lessons in Nehemiah: Part 2
3 – Success Lessons in Nehemiah: Part 3
4 – Success Lessons in Nehemiah: Part 4

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Success Lessons in Nehemiah

Nehemiah 7:5

“Then my God put it into my mind to assemble the nobles, the officials, and the people to be registered by genealogy. I found the genealogical record of those who came back first, and I found the following written in it:” Nehemiah 7:5

  • I love how Nehemiah’s relationship with the Lord is so personal! He didn’t just say “God put it into my mind,” he said, “MY God put it into my mind!”
  • The closer our personal relationship is with the Lord, the easier it will be to hear His voice.
  • The Lord will put things in your mind that need to be done. These are the keys to success.
  • He will also provide the resources to carry out what He puts in our minds.
Text over an image of sheep grazing, with sunlight and shadows. The text reads: "When He has brought all His Own outside, He goes ahead of them. The sheep follow Him because they know His voice." John 10:4—Success lessons from faith and guidance. www.homewithgraceandjoy.com.

Nehemiah 8:1,3

“All the people gathered together at the square in front of the Water Gate. They asked the scribe Ezra to bring the book of the law of Moses that the Lord had given Israel.”
Nehemiah 8:1

“While he was facing the square in front of the Water Gate, he read out of it from daybreak until noon before the men, the women, and those who could understand. All the people listened attentively to the book of the law.”
Nehemiah 8:3

  • They asked him to bring out the Book of the Law, because they wanted to know what was right in the eyes of the Lord.
  • They were there for hours and listened attentively. They were very interested. They wanted to obey.
  • They knew that not following the law was what had gotten their nation exiled in the first place. Now they would know the law that they needed to follow.
  • How often do we read over the Lord’s commands? Do we seek His Word with our whole heart?
  • How often do we as a whole look at our watches or get anxious when the message goes over its “allotted” time?
  • Let’s purpose to seek His Word regardless of time! Seek it with intentions of obedience.

Nehemiah 8:12

“Then all the people began to eat and drink, send portions, and have a great celebration, because they had understood the words that were explained to them.” Nehemiah 8:12

  • They celebrated the fact that they understood the law.
  • They knew having the law was a privilege.
  • How many times do we truly celebrate getting to read the Bible and understand it?
  • We have multiple copies of the Bible in our homes and literally in our hands (on our phones), as well as commentaries to help us understand them.
    • Do we take advantage of these opportunities like we should?
    • Do we see them as a privilege?
An open Bible rests on a wooden table. Above it, in a beige box, is a quote: "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness," 2 Timothy 3:16. For more life applications and lessons, visit www.homewithgraceandjoy.com.

Nehemiah 8:17-18

“The whole community that had returned from exile made shelters and lived in them. The Israelites had not celebrated like this from the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day. And there was tremendous joy. Ezra read out of the book of the law of God every day, from the first day to the last. The Israelites celebrated the festival for seven days, and on the eighth day there was a solemn assembly, according to the ordinance.”
Nehemiah 8:17-18

  • If you read Leviticus 23:39-43, you see that this Festival of Shelters originated when the Lord delivered the Israelites out of Egypt. One of the main purposes for this festival was for future generations (which Nehemiah and the people were) to see what the Lord had done for them.
  • They experienced great joy!
  • Turning back to the Lord brings about revival.
  • Revival brings about joy!
Text graphic with a quote about the Festival of Shelters, emphasizing living in temporary shelters for seven days as success lessons for future generations. It includes a Bible reference, Leviticus 23:42-43, and a web address at the bottom.

It is in the times of success that it is easy to have a self-sufficient attitude. Let’s follow the example of Nehemiah and the people. They did not take the credit for their success and become self-sufficient. They gave God the glory and turned to Him!

Join us next week as we continue to look at more of these success lessons and principles from the book of Nehemiah. As you read the book of Nehemiah, take note of the lessons the Lord points out to you. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Please join us as we read the Word each week and share more faith, family and food ideas.

Success Lessons Resources

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These are a few of my favorite Bible study resources.

Fun Idea

An open book on a fringed cloth displays handwritten notes in its margins, capturing the insights of "Success Lessons in Nehemiah." A fabric bookmark nestles between pages rich with text and blue pen annotations, inviting reflection at a table brimming with study and wisdom.

If you have joined me recently, these daily life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. It is such a fun project with eternal effects. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

Related Posts

1 – Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter 1
2 – Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter 2
3 – Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter 3
4 – Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter 4

I hope these life applications and lessons on success will motivate you to learn His principles for success and apply them to all areas of your life.

Until next week…

Closing Signature

disclosure: Amazon affiliate links and others are used on this page. Thank you for supporting Home with Grace and Joy. When you purchase an item, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. See my full disclosure and privacy policy on the website. 

“From one Man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.” Acts 17:26

(New Testament)

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  1. Vanessa Cherry says:

    Thank you, Susan, for your words of testimony, inspiration, and encouragement. I love reading every post.
    The Lord has blessed you with a very special gift. Thank you for using it for a His glory and for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Vanessa! Your words of encouragement came at the most needed time!❤️

  2. Jill | Bungalow 47 says:

    I love reading your devotionals, always so inspiring. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Another great week, Susan. I love these devotional and this series so much. Thanks for gentle reminder that the closer our relationship to Him the more we will hear His voice. I second guess it and doubt “if it’s real” way more than I should. Sending you big hugs, CoCo

  4. Susan, thanks for bringing Nehemiah to life … and for the reminder that our relationship with God is so very personal.

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