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The Easy Way to Make Sweet Pickles without Canning

I have always been a fan of sweet pickles, but these crisp sweet pickles take it to the next level. See the easy way to make crunchy sweet pickles without canning or a mess.

A small bowl of sweet pickles sits on a beige lace mat, accompanied by greenery on a wooden surface. The text proudly announces, "Sweet Pickles: The Easy Way to Make Sweet Pickles without Canning or the Mess—enjoy homemade sweetness effortlessly.

These crunchy sweet pickles are not like any I have ever eaten. In fact, these are some of the best pickles I have had – talk about a pickle fix! You start out with dill pickles and end up with delicious sweet pickles. Even if you are not a huge sweet pickle fan, I encourage you to try these.

Where This Sweet Pickle Recipe Came From

Not too long ago, we had a BBQ fellowship one Sunday after church. Included with this catered meal was a large jar of pickles (dill). As you can imagine, there were a lot of pickles leftover. One of the women of the church, Yvonne, took them home and made sweet pickles out of them.

An elderly woman with white hair and glasses, wearing a purple sweater, smiles warmly while holding a jar of sweet pickles in a room with tables and chairs in the background.

She brought these delicious sweet pickles to the next fellowship meal. I couldn’t believe how crispy they were, and the taste was different than just regular sweet gherkins. It was hard to imagine that these delicious pickles were the same ones in that gallon size jar from the BBQ.

Sweet Pickles from Hamburger Dills

Eventually I asked Yvonne for the recipe and made sure it was okay to share it. It is one of the most simple things you will ever do. There are:

  • NO Sterilized jars or hot jars
  • NO Pickling liquid
  • NO Vinegar mixture
  • NO Water bath canning
  • NO Hot water bath canner
  • NO Pressure canner
  • NO Canning pickles

That pretty much takes all of the hard work and mess out of the equation, and it only takes four ingredients and very little work!

Sweet Pickle Ingredients

If you notice, there are no set amounts for the ingredients. Everything will depend on your personal preference and the size of the jar of pickles you decide to use. You can use anywhere from pint jars of pickles up to gallon size jars.

A metal strainer with a red handle, a jar of Mt. Olive jalapeño slices, sweet pickles, granulated sugar, Cajun seasoning, and Tabasco sauce are artfully arranged on the kitchen countertop.


Sweet Pickle Instructions


  1. Pour all of the pickle juice off of the pickles, leaving just pickles in the jar.
  2. Fill the rest of the jar with sugar. This will look like a lot of sugar.
  3. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the sugar. (5 or 6 shakes for a gallon jar)
  4. Shake some Tabasco Sauce on top. (5 or 6 shakes for a gallon jar)
  5. Put the lid on it and let it stand at room temperature until the sugar melts. This will take several days. The number of days may depend somewhat on the size of the jar of pickles you use.
  6. Turn the jar upside down after a couple of days to speed up the process.
  7. The sweet pickles will be ready when all of the sugar is melted.
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Helpful Item

You can definitely make these without a strainer, but if you have one, they just make it even easier. I particularly like this one because it fits on the sink and doesn’t slide around.

A person holding a jar of Mt. Olive Hamburger Dill Chips with some pickle slices, being drained in a metal strainer over a kitchen sink.

Here is a link to a strainer like this one.

Other Tips and Ideas for Sweet Pickles

  • Adjust the cinnamon and Tabasco Sauce according to the size of your jar.
  • Store the finished sweet pickles in the refrigerator to keep them extra crispy.
  • Serve with BBQ.
  • Use the sweet pickles on a charcuterie board or relish tray.
  • Chop the sweet pickles to make a pickle relish for potato salad, hot dogs, or chicken salad sandwiches.
  • Put the finished sweet pickles into pint sized canning jars, add a cute label, and give them as gifts.

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Recipe Card – Sweet Pickles from Hamburger Dills

Sweet Pickles from Hamburger Dills

If you notice, there are no set amounts for the ingredients. Everything will depend on the size of the jar of pickles you decide to use. 

Prep Time 5 minutes
Additional Time 7 days
Total Time 7 days 5 minutes


  • 1 Jar of Pickles (Hamburger Dill Pickles)
  • Sugar
  • Cinnamon (5 or 6 shakes for a gallon jar)
  • Tabasco Sauce (5 or 6 shakes for a gallon jar)


    1. Pour all of the pickle juice off of the pickles, leaving just pickles in the jar.
    2. Fill the rest of the jar with sugar.
    3. Sprinkle cinnamon on top of the sugar.
    4. Shake some Tabasco Sauce on top.
    5. Put the lid on it and let it stand at room temperature until the sugar melts. This will take several days. The number of days may depend somewhat on the size of the jar of pickles you use.
    6. Turn the jar upside down after a couple of days to speed up the process.
    7. The sweet pickles will be ready when all of the sugar is melted.

If you are looking for an easy recipe for the best sweet pickles, you just found it. The first time you eat them, you will be hooked. 

Whether you are a fan of sweet pickles or not, I hope you will try this crisp sweet pickle recipe. It is the easiest way to make a delicious recipe of sweet pickles without canning or a mess. It may just become one of your favorite recipes.

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Until next time,

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disclosure: Amazon Associates affiliate advertising program (affiliate links) are used on this page. Thank you for supporting Home with Grace and Joy. When you purchase an item, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. See my full disclosure policy and privacy policy on the website. 

“How sweet Your Word is to my taste – sweeter than honey in my mouth.”
Psalm 119:103

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  1. I’ve never heard of pickles like these before Susan but my family loves all kinds of pickles so I’m excited to try this recipe. I can’t get over how simple they are to make you totally had me at no more standing over the stove! Hugs, CoCo

  2. WOW, very interesting way to make pickles.
    Thank you for sharing and participating at SSPS 347. See you at #348 Hope you had a fun Valentine’s Day

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