Success Scriptures for the New Year: 2025
The Bible is full of success scriptures that we can read and apply to our lives to help us have a successful new year.
Join me for my weekly life applications from the Bible
The Bible is full of success scriptures that we can read and apply to our lives to help us have a successful new year.
Entering into the Christmas season brings about a feeling of nostalgia and sentiment. When I think about having a sentimental Christmas, I can’t help but think about the first Christmas when “Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” (from Luke 2:19)
Whether on the mountaintop or in the valley, here are 10 scriptures to inspire gratitude and thanksgiving, even when we don’t feel like it.
Do you ever see something in life and get a spiritual revelation? That happened to me this summer as I enjoyed my zinnias. I would love to share what I learned about how the Christian life is like harvesting zinnia seeds.
Do you ever feel like you want to start reading the Bible, but you don’t have a clue where to begin? These simple Bible study ideas for spiritual growth are just that, ideas and suggestions to get started on an amazing journey of spiritual growth through God’s Word.
I love music, especially music with a a little soul and a positive message. Here are my top 11 Christian songs of encouragement with soul that fit this description. Enjoy!
Everyone seems to have their own definition of the word love, but what is it really? We can find the true definition of love in the Bible.
We have learned many lessons from the dogs over the years. See the spiritual lessons we learned this week from their crazy antics.
There are so many life applications and lessons in Joshua Chapter 4 and the stones of remembrance. We can learn much from these verses.