
Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 41

Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 41

I love the way the Lord speaks to us and shares life applications through His Word.

Life Applications

  • Matt. 22:5
    • He had such a blessing in store for them, but they put family, possessions, and business before Him.
    • When we don’t make the Lord our first priority, we are missing out on His blessings.
  • Matt. 23:1-36 – Not only did they hurt themselves, but they didn’t allow their children to receive this ultimate love and protection either!
  • Matt. 25:1-5, 10
    • The wise virgins were prepared because they knew what they wanted. The bridegroom was their priority.
    • The foolish virgins were just living for the moment. They did not keep their eyes focused on the prize.
    • Living in a world full of distractions competing for our attention can be difficult. We need to keep our eyes on the Heavenly Prize.
  • Matt. 25:21,23
    • I have always focused on the first parts of these verses, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” I don’t think I really paid attention to the last part, “Share in your Master’s joy.”
    • It is interesting to me to think that when we use the talents the Lord has given us, it brings Him joy. He then allows us to share in that joy! What a blessing!

Life Application Resources


If you have joined me recently, these weekly life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. The one pictured above will be Evelyn’s. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.

I always share the Bible I am working on, which is for women, because all of my grandchildren are girls. It never occurred to me to share one from a man’s perspective until this week. The rose gold Bible is Evelyn’s, and the brown one is the one Jay uses for his personal Bible reading.

I pray these weekly life applications help you in some way. Please share any encouragement and lessons you have learned this week.

Have a Grace & Joy-Filled day!


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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105

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  1. You are stepping on my toes today, Susan, and I need it! This year has been filled with distractions and trying to make them stop without hurting anyones feelings is so much tougher than I could have ever imagined. I know we’re not meant to live on the edge of burnout though so I’m thankful for these wise and gentle reminders each week.They help me refocus and reassess! Big hugs, CoCo

    1. I understand! They have stepped on my toes all week. 😊

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