Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter Three
Saturday Morning Life Applications (Vol. 84)
We have already seen so many great life lessons in the book of Ruth. Now let’s take a look at the life applications and lessons from Ruth chapter three. I love what the Lord shows us in these scriptures.
I don’t think there is a better story in the Bible to show the importance of being of noble character and having a good reputation. Let’s take a look at these lessons in Ruth chapter three.
A Brief History of the Book of Ruth – Third Chapter
The third chapter of Ruth begins with Naomi giving Ruth directions that may not have made much sense to her as a foreigner living out the Jewish customs of the day. Naomi’s instructions were for Ruth to put on her best clothes, go down to the threshing floor at night, wait until Boaz was in good spirits and fell asleep, then lay at Boaz’s feet.
This resulted in the possibility of Boaz becoming their kinsman redeemer. He just needed to make sure the closer family redeemer did not want to take the responsibility, and then he would make it official. This would carry on their family line as well as give them both security for the future.
Naomi and Ruth’s Story Line in Chapter Three
- Main Characters: Naomi, Ruth, Boaz
- Setting
- Time: Close to the end of the wheat harvests, Middle of the night
- Place: Bethlehem, Field of Boaz – at the end of the heap of grain
- Conflict: Two widows living on their own would have a hard life.
- Theme: Good character and reputation are important parts of life.
Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter Three
The Importance of Character and Reputation
Character is who you are, even when no one is around or watching.
Reputation is what other people think about you – how they see you.
It is very important to understand that character is everything. Your reputation has a lot to do with others and their opinions. You want your reputation to line up with your character, because you don’t want to hurt your witness, but the most important reputation to consider is what Christ thinks. (Listen to the song at the end of this post.)
“So Ruth said to her, ‘I will do everything you say.'”
Ruth 3:5
Naomi’s Character
- In chapters one and two of Ruth, Naomi had proven that she loved Ruth and wanted what was best for her.
- In chapter three, Naomi gave Ruth very detailed directions, and they probably didn’t make sense to her at all. As a foreigner who was new to the country, she wouldn’t be aware of all of the Jewish customs.
- Ruth followed Naomi’s directions without questioning it, because Naomi had proven that she could be trusted. – Blind Trust!
Life Applications and Lessons
- With good character comes trust.
- With trust comes obedience.
“Now don’t be afraid, my daughter. I will do for you whatever you say, since all the people in my town know that you are a woman of noble character.”
Ruth 3:11
Ruth’s Character
- Her consistent actions had given her a reputation of being a woman of noble character or a virtuous woman.
- Now Boaz was willing to help her, because he knew what type of person she was.
- Ruth’s courage was also very evident. This could have been a very dangerous plan had it not been for the integrity of Boaz.
Life Applications and Lessons
- Consistent actions are the proof of character (good or bad).
- Certain favor comes with doing the right thing.
“So she lay down at his feet until morning but got up while it was still dark. Then Boaz said, ‘Don’t let it be known that a woman came to the threshing floor.’”
Ruth 3:14
Boaz’s Character
- Naomi and Ruth knew Boaz was a man of God, otherwise she might not have been safe in this situation. They knew they could trust him.
- Boaz cared about Ruth’s reputation as well as Ruth’s well-being. He did not want others to gossip about her or think anything negative, so he made sure to protect her in that area.
- He knew her true character, and he wanted to keep her reputation in line with her character.
Life Applications and Lessons
- You can have a great reputation and ruin it with one bad decision. You can usually fix it, but it may take time.
- Protect your reputation and your character at all costs.
“Naomi said, ‘My daughter, wait until you find out how things go, for he won’t rest unless he resolves this today.’”
Ruth 3:18
Boaz’s Character Continued
- Naomi knew Boaz’s character was trustworthy.
- She knew that either way, Boaz was going to handle the situation and do what was best for them. This would result in either Boaz or the close relative acting as a kinsman redeemer.
Life Applications and Lessons
- Good character looks out for the best interests of others.
- Align yourself with people of good character.
Ruth is a great story of redemption. God’s provision and love are intertwined throughout this story. Even though these events happened in Biblical times, we can apply the lessons to our own lives today.
Join me next week for the final chapter of Ruth and the life applications and lessons it brings. It is exciting to see God’s plan worked out in this story in a way that affects our lives even today. We will see how God’s love was passed down to us through the lives of Ruth and Boaz.
Related Song to Ruth Chapter Three
Somebody to You by Rachael Lampa
Life Applications in Weekly Bible Study
Please join us as we read God’s Word each week and learn to apply His principles to our lives.
Life Application Resources
If you have joined me recently, these daily life application posts are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!
Related Posts
Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter One
Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter Two
Life Applications and Lessons from Ruth Chapter Four
Genuine Character Leads to Influence
Until next week…
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But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Thy people will be my people and thy God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.”
(Old Testament)
Thanks for sharing my work!
You are so welcome! I really enjoyed your post.
I am going to be so sad to see this series end, I love the book of Ruth so much and it’s been fun to glean new nuggets and fresh inspiration from you. Big hugs, CoCo
I have really enjoyed the book of Ruth too. However, I am now reading I Samuel and really loving it! I haven’t posted anything about it because of Ruth, but hopefully I can get caught up easily. There’s lots of good nuggets! I’m so glad you are with me on this!😊
New subscriber here. Your daily devotional reflections helps me a lot to deepen my understanding and reflect further. I love the themes as well, so relaxing…
Thank you so much for your encouragement! Have a wonderful 4th of July!