Life Applications from the Bible – Vol. 50
The book of John is filled with life applications that we can use in our daily lives. Take a look at a few of these applications that I found this week. I look forward to hearing about any insights you may have had as well.
Life Applications
- John 4:39-42
- The Lord can and will use anyone He wants to use for His purposes. Just be willing.
- Don’t ever think you are too insignificant for the Lord to use you in the lives of other people.
- Don’t think that you have blown it too many times or too badly for the Lord to use you. He is in the restoration business!
- The Samaritan woman led them to Him, and He did the saving. That is all we need to do – lead people to Him and let Him do the rest.
- John 5:9-10
- They completely missed seeing a great miracle because they were blinded by heir own man-made laws.
- Let us not be so closed minded that we miss seeing the Lord working in our lives.
- John 6:5-7 – Jesus allowed Philip to try to figure it out on his own first.
- We tend to learn the lesson better when we are involved in trying to solve it.
- Seeing the human impossibility of situations allows us to see the miracle more clearly.
Coming Soon
Look for a few other life applications from the book of John to come out in this week’s “Saturday Morning Devotional.” When I read some of these scriptures last week, all I could think of was, The Little Red Hen.
Life Application Resources
If you have joined me recently, these weekly life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I write in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea.
The rose colored Bible is the one I am using for my youngest granddaughter, and I really love it! The brown study Bible is the one Jay uses.
I pray these weekly life applications help you in some way. Please share any encouragement and lessons you have learned this week.
Have a Grace & Joy-Filled Day!
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“Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my path.” Psalms 119:105