
I Corinthians 1-6: It All Comes Down to Being Foolish or Wise

Saturday Morning Life Applications (Vol. 74)

I Corinthians 1-6 has a lot to say about the wisdom of the world versus Godly wisdom. It all comes down to being foolish or wise.

I Corinthians in the Bible

 If you are following along with me, I wish I could tell you exactly how much I am going to read each week. The truth is that I never know.

I plan for one chapter a day, but there are times that there are so many applications in one chapter that I need to break it up over a couple of days, just so it can sink in.

There are other days that I read a chapter, and nothing jumps out at me. When that happens, I try to read a little more. I like to see at least something I can apply to my life each day.

Last week was one of the times that there were a lot of applications in the chapters I was reading. Here are some of applications I found in I Corinthians 1-6.

  • Without the Spirit, you can’t understand the message, so it seems foolish.
  • People who only have worldly wisdom can’t see the truth. If you can’t see the truth, you won’t accept the truth.
  • If you keep reading, it talks about God making the wisdom of the world foolish. Worldly wisdom will one day be destroyed, and His true wisdom will be revealed. The more of His wisdom we can grasp now, the better off we will be.

  • We can’t brag that we are smart enough or wise enough to believe in Him. He reveals Himself to ordinary people without having to have special intelligence, strength, or status.
  • He uses the weak things of the world to show His glory. In that way, it is obvious that it is all Him!
  • Don’t ever think that you are too weak, not smart enough, or too insignificant for the Lord to use you. He can and will use us all for His glory and honor. We only have to be available.
I Corinthians shares how God uses us

  • Think of all of the things that only you know about yourself – all of your inner thoughts. These are things on the inside that only you (and the Lord) know.
  • The Spirit of God knows the thoughts of God.
  • When we have the Spirit within us, He can reveal some of the secret inner thoughts of the Spirit to us. He will show us things that are not visual in the earthly realm. We can conceive ideas that only He knows about. How wonderful is that?

  • Imagine being an adult and still living off of baby formula – Disgusting and Sad!
  • If you were living off of baby formula, think of all of the wonderful food you would be missing out on (your favorites) – Chocolate, Steak, Enchiladas, Ice Cream, etc…
  • Now think of all the Spiritual food we may be missing out on that we know nothing about. There is so much more to know of the Lord and His realm.
  • Let’s put off childish ways and grow in the wisdom of God.
I Corinthians move to solid food

Please join us as we read the Word each week and share your insights on the scriptures as well.

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If you have joined me recently, these daily life application posts are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

Rose colored She Reads Truth Bible

The rose colored Bible is the one I am using for my youngest granddaughter, and I really love it! It is the She Reads Truth Bible, CSB. I did some research before purchasing the CSB, and I found that it is translated from the original text and very accurate – very important!

A Book of Wisdom, Hope, and Love
Why Does God Choose the Foolish?

I hope these life applications from I Corinthians 1-6 help and encourage you in some way. Let’s seek the true wisdom of God this week instead of the wisdom of this world.

Please share any applications or lessons you learned this week as you read the Word of God. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next week…

Closing Signature

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“In this way, the testimony about Christ was confirmed among you, so that you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I Corinthians 1:6-7

(New Testament)


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  1. “Explore profound insights with ‘I Corinthians 1-6: It All Comes Down to Being Foolish or Wise,’ a thoughtful journey through scripture that invites readers to reflect on wisdom, faith, and the timeless teachings of Corinthians, offering valuable lessons for personal and spiritual growth.”

  2. A picture is truly worth a thousand words, Susan. Love this series so much and thank you for the visual reminder of what we really need. Hugs, CoCo

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