
Life Applications & Lessons from the Book of Acts (Vol. 65)

We can find many life applications and lessons in the Book of Acts.  Let’s take a look at some of these lessons, and see how we can apply them to our lives.

Daily life applications from Acts


Many times when we read the Bible, we see it as stories of things that happened many years ago. These true stories are filled with life applications and lessons for us to use in our daily lives. Here are a few from this week.

Life Applications and Lessons – Acts

Acts 19:32

  • This is a great example of mob mentality.
  • Be careful not to jump into things, even opinions, just because a friend, family member, or crowd feels that way. Have your own opinion after looking at the situation with a fresh set of eyes.
  • Let the Lord guide you in these situations. Seek His opinions – they are true!

Acts 20:22-24

  • Without purpose (knowing what you are called to do), your life may seem a little meaningless to you. Please know that it is not meaningless.
  • Seek His purpose for your life and live it out. That is where you will find true happiness.
  • Knowing that the hardships awaited him didn’t stop him from going, because he knew he had a bigger purpose to fulfill.
Courage quote from John Wayne

Acts 21:37-22:29

  • 21:37 “…You know how to speak Greek?'”
  • 21:39 “Paul said, ‘I am a Jewish man…a citizen of an important city…'”
  • 21:40 “…he addressed them in Aramaic.”
  • 22:3 “He continued, ‘…brought up in this city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel according to the strictest of our ancestral law.”
  • 22:15 “…since you will be a witness for Him to all people…”
  • 22:19-20 “But I said, ‘Lord, they know…'”
  • 22:28 “But I was born a Roman citizen…”
    • The Lord plans our paths, purpose, and calling.
    • He equips us and uses our training, background, talents, and personality traits to fulfill His purposes.
    • Don’t let what others think about you stop you from doing the Lord’s Will.
Acts 17:26

Acts 23:11

  • This conversation with the Lord gave him the courage and confidence he needed to face the trials and tribulations he would encounter on the way to Rome.
  • Stay in close conversation with the Lord as you plan your steps.
  • If the Lord confirms something within you, you will have more courage to follow through with it.

Life Applications in Bible Study

Please join us as we read the Word each week and share your insights on these scriptures as well. Next week, continue reading the Book of Acts, and we will see what other life applications the Lord has for us.

Life Application Resources

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If you have joined me recently, these daily life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

The rose colored Bible is the one I am using for my youngest granddaughter, and I really love it! The brown study Bible is the one Jay uses for his personal Bible study.

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I hope these life applications and lessons will help you in some aspect of life. Please share any encouragement and lessons you have learned this week as you read the Word of God. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next week…

Closing Signature

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“From one Man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.” Acts 17:26

(New Testament)

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  1. Such a fabulous reminder we can find confidence and courage in our calling because He has equipped us with everything we need. I definitely needed this reminder today. Sending you lots of hugs for a joy and grace-filled Christmas, CoCo

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