
Life Applications and Lessons from the Book of Romans (Vol. 67)

I started reading the Book of Romans this past week. Although it is very good, parts of it are a little bit harder to grasp and understand than some of the other books of the Bible. However, the Lord continues to share life applications and lessons through His Word.  

Life Applications from the Book of Romans


Let’s take a look at some of these lessons, and see how we can apply them to our lives as we continue with the Book of Romans.

Life Applications and Lessons – Romans

  • Con you imagine if when once we came to trust the Lord, He immediately showed us everything we needed to change in our lives? It would be so overwhelming that we would probably shut down and do nothing.
  • Once we come to know Him, we do not become perfect. We learn and grow in our faith along the way.
  • He shows us what to change as we grow in our faith. “from faith to faith”

  • Imagine telling your kids or employees to do something, and they choose not to do it. Now imagine that they argue that they are right in doing so because they “heard” what you said to do. There is no logic in that!
  • We need to be doers of the Word and not just hearers.
Be a hearer - life application

  • Just like with the creation of the world, there was nothing and He spoke it into existence.
  • He can do the same thing with our difficult situations and needs.

Accept all the love He pours into our hearts to the point that it overflows and spills onto other people!

let His love splash

Romans 7:22-23

  • This is a case of Spiritual vs. Physical.
  • This is an on-going war that we will always face while we are in these mortal bodies. We need to make sure we are strengthening the spiritual side and readying it for battle.
  • The battle begins in the mind, so guard it always! Do not allow unwholesome things in there, because they will grow.

If you have never heard the Cherokee story of the two wolves, it is a must. It is the perfect story to illustrate this life application. Click here to read it.

Life Applications and Lessons in Bible Study

Please join us as we read the Word each week and share your insights on these scriptures as well. Next week, continue reading the Book of Romans, and we will see what other life applications the Lord has for us.

Life Applications and Lessons Resources

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If you have joined me recently, these daily life applications from the Bible are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

The rose colored Bible is the one I am using for my youngest granddaughter, and I really love it! The brown study Bible is the one Jay uses for his personal Bible study.

Related Post

How to Recognize the Shepherd’s Voice

I hope these life applications and lessons will help you in some aspect of life. Please share any encouragement and lessons you have learned this week as you read the Word of God. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next week…

Closing Signature

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“From one Man He has made every nationality to live over the whole earth and has determined their appointed times and the boundaries of where they live.” Acts 17:26

(New Testament)

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  1. Gah I love this series so much! You always offer such a relatable way of looking at things, Susan. It truly offers an invitation for us to examine our lives and make appropriate changes while at the same time reminding us He will always be patient with our growth. Big hugs, CoCo

    1. You are so right on His patience, and I am so glad! Lots of room for growth over here! I am so glad you enjoy these. I love the way He shares these things. It just makes it fun to learn and share.

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