
Life Applications and Lessons in I Corinthians Chapters 8-11

Saturday Morning Life Applications (Vol. 75)

You can find many great life applications and lessons in I Corinthians chapters 8-11. Let’s take a look at some of them from this week’s Bible reading.

I Corinthians in the Bible

If you are following along with me, I got through chapter 12 this week as I read I Corinthians. However, I am saving chapter 12 for next week. I think it deserves it’s own devotional! There were many life lessons in chapters 8-11 that we can apply to our lives though. Let’s take a look.

  • You may come across situations in life that are not specifically mentioned as right or wrong in the Bible. If the Lord reveals that those things are wrong for you to participate in, and you do it anyway, it is wrong.
  • If something is okay for you to do because of your freedom in Christ, but by doing it, it causes a weak brother to fall, you shouldn’t do it.
  • Don’t let your freedom cause others to sin.

I Corinthians 8:13 Don't be a stumbling block

Paul set aside his rights in order to reach people. When he was around others, he found common ground. To the:

  • Jew – he became like a Jew.
  • ones under the law – he became like one under the law.
  • ones without the law – he became like one not under the law.
  • weak – he became weak.

We can do the same thing in our day.

  • Sometimes we need to lay aside our personal rights and find common ground with people so we can minister to them and/or share the Gospel.
  • This common ground may require swallowing our pride.
  • You may have to put aside something you want to do and do something the other person wants to do to nourish the relationship.
  • Sometimes this is letting a person (who may get on your nerves) win a pointless argument or have the last word. (Yikes! That is hard!)
I Corinthians 9:22 All things to all people

Never Say Never

Have you ever noticed that as soon as you say you would never do something, you usually end up doing it? It is almost like the arrogance causes you to do it!

True Confession

Last week as I pulled into the parking lot of the school, I noticed two of the counselors parked over the line in “bad parking jobs!” I literally laughed out loud in the car to myself at their parking. When I got out of my car, this is what I saw…

I Corinthians 10:12 Don't fall

Do you see the progression of “bad parking?” Mine is the one on the left end – the worst parking job of all!

As soon as I got out of the car and saw my parking job, I Corinthians 10:12 came to mind. I went in and confessed to them about my parking judgments.😂

We can laugh about this, because it is a silly example. However, it is easy to do the same things in more serious situations.

One More Funny One – Never Say Never!

Never say Never
Unnamed Source on Pinterest

When you think about it, this life application also applies to the way we talk about and compare our children. I guess the moral of the story is not to judge on any level.

Please join us as we read God’s Word each week and share your insights on the scriptures. I would love to hear from you.

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If you have joined me recently, these daily life application posts are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!

Rose colored She Reads Truth Bible

The rose colored Bible is the one I am using for my youngest granddaughter, and I really love it! It is the She Reads Truth Bible, CSB. I did some research before purchasing the CSB, and I found that it is translated from the original text and very accurate – very important!

I Corinthians 10:1-33 on Biblia
Bible Study Tools
My Top 11 Christian Songs of Hope and Restoration

I hope these life applications from I Corinthians 8-11 help and encourage you in some way. Let’s seek the true wisdom of God this week instead of the wisdom of this world.

Please share any applications or lessons you learned this week as you read God’s Word. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Until next week…

Closing Signature

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“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God” I Corinthians 10:31

(New Testament)


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  1. This is so true, Susan! I had a very similar situation happen to me this week and I thought gah I seriously need to get off my high horse because I do that too! Thanks for the encouragement this week. The further we get into Corinthians and Lent season the more I need it. Big hugs, CoCo

    1. It is a little humbling when that happens. I sure wish I would catch myself before I get to that point! That usually doesn’t happen though. Hugs back to you! Have a great weekend!

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