Life Applications and Lessons in the Book of Mark (Chapters 1-9)
Saturday Morning Life Applications (Vol. 80)
There are many life applications and lessons in the Book of Mark. However, as I read chapters 1-9 last week, there was a recurring theme.
Throughout these chapters in the Bible, Jesus constantly set aside time to spend alone with His Father and His disciples. Let’s take a look at His example and see what life applications and lessons we can find to apply to our own lives.
Life Applications for the Week – Mark (Chapters 1-9)
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out, and made His way to a deserted place, and there He was praying.”
Mark 1:35
- Before He came to earth, Jesus and His Father had a Face-to-Face intimate relationship. Now it was a long distance relationship, so He put forth more effort to stay fully connected to the Father.
- Jesus wanted and needed fellowship time with the Father. His time alone with the Lord:
- Fueled Him
- Charged Him
- Led Him
- Directed Him
- Comforted Him
- Encouraged Him
- Empowered Him
- If the Lord Jesus needed alone time with the Father, how much more do we need this time? It is vitally important – we need every one of these same things from the Lord.
- He went out to have His time with the Father early – 1st thing.
- The Lord was His 1st priority of the day.
- He met with Him before the busyness of the day took over His time and attention.
- Your time with the Lord is welcomed anytime of the day. I just recently saw a reel of a lady sharing why she chooses to have her “quiet time” before going to bed. She suffers from PTSD, and filling her mind with scripture before going to sleep really helps her.
- For me personally, I need to start my day off with my Bible reading. I find:
- Once busyness takes over, it is hard to make the time.
- Busyness also causes my mind to wander, and it is harder to concentrate and truly hear what the Lord is saying.
- Starting the day off with the Lord starts my day off in the right direction. It is the fuel and encouragement I need for the day!
- The important thing is to find the time that works best for you, and meet with the Lord daily in Scripture and in prayer.
“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all that they had done and taught. He said to them, ‘Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest a while.’ For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat.”
Mark 6:30-31
- They had been teaching and performing miracles in the area, and they were on a spiritual high. This is exactly when the enemy will try and attack you.
- Ministry and service is wonderful, but it can be exhausting.
- It is important to rest and recharge to be effective in any type of ministry or service. This includes Church ministry, business, family, marriage, friendships, etc…
“After He said good-bye to them, He went away to the mountain to pray.” Mark 6:46
Again, if Jesus found it important to stay in communication with His Father, how much more should we?
“…and He was alone on the land.”
Mark 6:47b
- Alone time is important to our spiritual and mental health.
- As an introvert, I need alone time to recharge, but I realize not everyone is like that. However, if we stay so busy and are always around people, the noise may drown out the Lord’s voice.
“After six days, Jesus took Peter, James, and John and led them up a high mountain by themselves to be alone. He was transfigured in front of them.” Mark 9:2
- When they were alone with the Lord, they were able to see the Lord’s glory.
- They got to see more of the Lord and Who He was at this encounter.
- When we make time to be alone with the Lord, without distractions, we get a clearer understanding of Who He is, and we get to know Him better.
“Then they left that place and made their way through Galilee, but He did not want anyone to know it. For He was teaching His disciples and telling them…” Mark 9:30-31a
Jesus always took time to minister to the people, but it was also important to Him to teach and train the disciples alone. They would be the ones to carry on His mission when He was gone, so He had to prepare them for the mission.
- Jesus divided His time:
- Time with His Father
- This time led Him in His mission.
- Time with the disciples
- They would carry on His mission.
- Time with the crowds (people)
- They were His mission.
- Time with His Father
- We need to prioritize our time to reach our goals/missions.
- The Lord needs to be our top priority. Let Him lead and guide.
- Balance your time with your priorities.
I love it when I read different chapters in the Bible with a recurring theme. I feel like the Lord is really trying to get my attention in this area. Please join me in applying these life applications and lessons to our lives. We will be much better off for it!
Life Applications in Weekly Bible Study
Please join us as we read God’s Word each week and share your insights on the scriptures. I would love to hear from you.
Life Application Resources
If you have joined me recently, these daily life application posts are examples of some of the comments I am writing in the Bibles I am giving to my grandchildren when they graduate from high school. Click here to see the post where I explain this eternal gift idea. I want to give them all the resources I can to use in today’s world!
The rose colored Bible is the one I am using for my youngest granddaughter, and I really love it! It is the She Reads Truth Bible, CSB. I did some research before purchasing the CSB, and I found that it is translated from the original text and very accurate – very important!
Related Posts
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10 Benefits of Spending Time Alone with God
In the War Room
If you received other nuggets of truth this week, please share them. I love hearing how the Lord speaks!
Until next week…
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“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God” I Corinthians 10:31
(New Testament)
I never thought about it the way you wisely do. If Jesus needed alone time with God, how much MORE do I need?
Christ is risen indeed
Amen! What a blessing!!
Such a great idea to give Bibles to your grandchildren. I’m sure it’s a very meaningful gift to each of them even if they don’t fully realize it immediately.
I am curious how they will react. I still have several years to go. The oldest is currently in 8th grade.
Oh my word, Susan, you are blowing my mind today! It NEVER occured to me that Jesus was in a long distance relationship with the Father but you are totally right! It also never occured to me that He had to divide His time in so many different ways. I guess I always thought He had an infinite amount of time in order to get everything done but since He was fully man on earth He had to learn how to divide and prioritize time just like we do. Gah such a cool revelation! I’ve read the Bible for decades yet I still continue to learn from you each and every post. Sending you so many hugs for the gentle way you teach us, CoCo
This was actually the first time I had seen those things as well. I think I have just read over them and never stopped to think about it. I love it when the Lord show us things that have been there all along.